Cooperation & Membership

Membership - Quality guaranteed

Pasantias Argentinas is a member of the Word Youth Student & Educational Travel Confederation (WYSETC), the global representation of over 550 known organizations specialized on youth travel, student travel, cultural exchange and international educational programmes.


The requirements to be a member are high. To book an exchange program at one the WYSE members gives security and a calmative feeling.

Pasantias Argentinas´partner language school is member of the language tourism provider ("Turísmo Idiomático") of the Córdoba Tourism Agency (Agencia Córdoba Turísmo) , the local tourism board of Córdoba. Only registered language schools which covers certain standards can be registered. At the same time the language school is connected to the customer protection program "Estudiante Protegido".

Agencia Turismo Córdoba

Co-operators outside Latin America

Fairlines Flugvermittlung GmbH
(Flight bookings for participants from Germany)
Kleiner Schäferkamp 32, D-20357 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: 0049 (0) 40- 44 14 56

WYSE Travel Confederation (Word Youth Student & Education Travel Confederation):


STA-Travel Wien (Flight booking for Austrian participants)

Travel Shop Campus: Altes AKH, Alserstraße 4, Hof 1
A-1090 Wien, Austria
Phone: 0043 ()0 -1- 902 07/ 0

STA-Travel Zürich (Flight booking for Swiss participants)
Ankerstrasse112, CH-8026 Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: 0041 (0) -1- 297 11 11

InterSwop Stays Abroad
Volunteer, Internship, Farmstay, Work and Travel Worldwide
Osterstr. 42, 20259 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: 0049 (0) 40 - 410 80 28
interswop stays abroad

CICD Center for International Career Development
()for participants from the USA)
4530 Union Bay Pl. NE
Suite 214, Seattle, WA 98105, USA, T. 001 (206) 985-2115

Internex (for Canadian participants)
Unit 320-321 Water Street,Vancouver BC V6B 1B8, Canada
T. 001 604 662 8149

Don´t book your stay somewhere.

Experience Argentina with Pasantias Argentinas!


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